Assessment and Promotion Criteria
Session: 2023-24
Classes: III – V
The examination for academic year; 2023-24 would be conducted as per the following assessment structure. Overall achievements of students in scholastic and co-scholastic areas will be recorded and reflected in the progress report card.
- Scholastic Areas
(III - V)
Periodic Test -1
30 Marks
Mid Term Examination
50 Marks
Periodic Test -2
30 Marks
Annual Examination
February - March
50 Marks
Components of Examination Question Paper of Classes III to V:
Term Exam
Total Marks of QP
Competency Based Questions in the form of
MCQs, Case Based Questions, Source Based Integrated Questions or any other similar types (40%)
Type Questions (20%)
Short Answer/ long Answer
Questions (40%)
Mid Term Exam
2 hours
Annual Exam
2 hours
Syllabus of Classes III-V will be separate for both the terms. The question papers for the Mid Term Examination will be set out of the syllabus of the First term and Annual Examination will be held from the syllabus of second term only.
Assessment and Weightage for classes III-V:
Type of Assessment
Mid Term / Annual Examination
Mid Term – 20
Annual Exam - 50 marks
- Periodic Tests
* Pen and Paper Test
(Weightage taken from Periodic Test-1 & Periodic Test-2)
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
- Subject Enrichment Activity
5 marks
- Portfolio/ Note Book Submission
5 marks
5 marks
100 marks
Criteria for Internal Assessment:
- Project based Activity (5 marks) will include parameters like regularity, assignment completion and neatness of notebook.
- Multiple Assessments (5 marks) will include parameters like oral tests, class discussion, quizzes, listening and speaking skills.
- Subject enrichment activities (5 marks) will include activities like: Speaking and Listening skills/ Practical Lab work/ Math Lab Practical/ Map Work/ Project Work, Art Integration Activity and many more.
- Portfolio/ Notebook Submission (5 marks) will include student’s performance records/documents and a collection of their learning achievements. Portfolio submission (5 marks) will include parameters like neatness, creativity, visual appeal, student’s learning and completion on time.
- Attendance (5 marks) attendance range in percentage as per below mentioned table:
Attendance Range in Percentage
96 -100
5 marks
91- 95
4 marks
86 - 90
3 marks
81 - 85
2 marks
76 - 80
1 marks
Up to 75
- Co-Scholastic Areas
Keeping in mind the holistic development of the students MBS International school promotes various co-curricular activities. These activities will be graded on a 3-point grading scale (A to C).
- Co-Scholastic areas like Music, Dance, Art & Craft, Theatre, Yoga and Games will be covered.
- Discipline: The students will also be assessed for discipline which will be based on factors like attendance, sincerity, behaviour, values, tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulations, attitude towards peers, facilitators, other school staff, parents, society and nation.
Passing Criteria for Class V:
- Passing Marks 33% in each subject.
Promotion Criteria for Class V:
- Minimum 25% in Mid Term plus Annual Examination i.e. 18 marks out of 70 in each subject.
- A candidate not eligible to be declared “Pass” will be declared “Promoted” and will be entitled for the grace marks.
- Grace marks up to maximum of 10 in all, to reach the minimum required 33% of marks in each subject.
- Re-examination to be held within a period of 2 months from the date of declaration of the result.
- Non eligible student for pass and promotion category will be placed in the “Essential Repeat” category and will be held back in the same class for the next session.