News & Events



Krishna Tiwari's Musical Victory in Zonals.

A Melody of Triumph: Krishna Tiwari's Musical Victory!

We are thrilled to announce that Krishna Tiwari of Class VI has brought great honour to MBS International School by securing the First Position in the Zonal Light Music Competition held on 29th August 2024 at Maxfort School, Dwarka, New Delhi.

Krishna’s talent shone brightly, captivating both the audience and the judges with a performance that was as soulful as it was masterful. Competing against some of the most talented young musicians in the zone, Krishna’s victory stands as a testament to his dedication, passion, and remarkable musical prowess.

This achievement  highlights Krishna's exceptional abilities and also reflects the nurturing environment and encouragement provided by our school. We are incredibly proud of Krishna for this fantastic accomplishment and look forward to celebrating many more of his melodious successes in the future.

Congratulations, Krishna!!

    • Krishna Tiwari


    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita
    Hindi Hasya Kavita

    हिंदी हास्य कविता

    “कविता वह सुरंग है, जिसके भीतर से मनुष्य एक विश्व को छोड़कर दूसरे विश्व में प्रवेश करता है” रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    हिंदी हास्य कविता भारतीय कविता पाठ की परंपरा में एक बहुत ही खास भूमिका निभाती है। वाचन कौशल को निखारने के लिए, बच्चो का आत्मविश्वास तथा मातृभाषा के प्रति रूचि को बढ़ावा देने के उद्देश्य से एम.बी.एस. इंटरनेशनल स्कूल ने 05 सितंबर 2024 को कक्षा II के छात्र-छात्राओं के लिए हास्य कविता वाचन का आयोजन किया ।

    छात्रों ने बड़े उत्साहपूर्वक हास्य कविता वाचन का प्रदर्शन दिखाया। छात्रों ने कविता वाचन में संदेश दिया कि हंसना दैनिक जीवन में बहुत आवश्यक है। सभी बच्चे कविता वाचन प्रतियोगिता के लिए उत्साहित दिखाई दिए एवं सभी ने इन में बढ़चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया । इस गतिवधि से छात्रों को भाषा कौशल, सुनने की क्षमता, और साहित्यिक रूचि में सुधार करने का एक सुनहरा अवसर प्रदान हुआ ।


      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration
      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration

      Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration 

                                                                                                      “Embrace the wisdom of Ganesha, and let his blessings guide you to wealth."                                                                                                                                   

      The Pre-Primary wing at MBS International School celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with great enthusiasm and joy. The festivities began with an engaging storytelling session where the children were introduced to the story of Lord Ganesha. Through a captivating narrative, the students learned about the significance and attributes of Lord Ganesha, fostering a deeper understanding of the festival.

      The students participated in a creative craft session where they made their own Modaks. Using colourful materials, they crafted Modaks which allowed them to further connect with the festival's traditions.

      The highlight of the celebration was a surprise visit from a child dressed up as Lord Ganesha himself. The students joyfully offered Modaks, which are considered Lord Ganesha’s favourite sweet, as a part of the traditional offering. The celebration was marked by the students’ happiness and involvement, making the event both educational and memorable.


        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes
        Fun with Shapes

        Fun with Shapes 

                                                                                                       “Creativity is intelligence and having fun.” – Albert Einstein

        On Tuesday, 3 September 2024, MBS International School organised a lively 'Fun With Shapes' activity for Class I students. The classroom came alive as young artists dove into the realm of shapes, engaging in cutting, folding, and assembling colourful paper to craft various geometric designs. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as the students exhibited their creativity, turning simple paper into vibrant art pieces.

        Laughter and enthusiasm filled the space as the children explored different shapes and patterns, honing their fine motor skills and spatial awareness. The delightful paper crafts they created became treasured keepsakes, capturing the joy and creativity they experienced while learning about geometric concepts.

        Overall, the activity was a wonderful success, enhancing creativity, fine motor skills, and a deeper understanding of shapes among the students.

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